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10 April

Evaluation UI & Visualization Tools

User Behavior, Extend Support, New Development

  • User Defined Visualization Tools Added to Future Plugin
  • Plugin Eval: Weight Color Ramps, Hierarchy Trees, Sculpt Selecting, and Search/Filtering
  • CentOS 7 Plugin Support for Maya 2020, 2022, & 2023
  • Font sizes are defaulted to the users Maya default setting. Upon changing the font size the setting will be saved in the user settings.
  • You can now view the Symmetrical weight properties when looking at an asset that is symmetrical. Preview on the X, Y , Z indexes.
  • Search through the Weighting/Sculpting/AVARS to find exactly what you need. Review recent history of searches.
  • You can now view the Symmetrical weight properties when looking at an asset that is symmetrical. Preview on the X, Y , Z indexes.