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Ozone Story Tech

Meet The
Next Generation Character Pipeline

Feature Film-Quality Characters Everywhere
Create More, Wait Less
Real-time Iteration up to Delivery

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Imagine Feature Film Quality Characters in Real-Time

Ozone empowers artists to create feature film quality characters in half the time. With Ozone you rig once and deploy your characters anywhere. TV, Film, and Games... all using the same asset.

Realtime Sub-Divs
in Engine

Rig Low Poly Cages, Not Dense Meshes

Work with Less Points

With fewer points in the rig allows TDs to make quicker changes. All enabled by subds in Unreal Engine.

Work in Parallel

Rigs can be updated independently, allowing continuous work on animation & lighting during updates.

More than a Two Hammer Toolbox (Joints & Blendshapes)

Experience the freedom of more deformation options with Ozone deformers. Imagine an additive deformation system, where each deformer has its own independent weights that layer together to build uncompromised final shapes.

Final Shot
Hierarchy of Weights
Hierarchy of Weights

We don’t use normalized weight. Our weight maps are additive.

Order of Operations
Order of Operations

Independent deformers within the layered, order of operation system can be muted and reordered to give different final deformation results.

Independent Weights
Independent Weights

Each deformer can have it’s own weight map. This allows for broader effects with no need to process them to work together.

Animated Weights
Animated Weights

Dynamically change weight values allows artists to use fewer deformers to created complex deformations. Weights are additive not subtractive.

Ozone is a Complete Character Solution

Ozone is a Force Multiplier

Developed & Designed by a The Industry’s Finest. In addition to the rigging tools, Ozone ships with a Rig Library that represents decades of experience that are ready to go. Artists can begin these components to create better looking characters out-the-box.

Qualification Standards

Available to You

We come from various disciplines but you can count on them having worked in production… under real pressure, with real deadlines getting real work done.

Industry Professional Training

Theory is important, and it has its place, with the Ozone team behind you we’ll help navigate complex production issues.

Industry Professional Training

Our goal is to provide the tools and teach you how to use them. If your a small or medium size team, we give you the power to compete with large studios.

Join our free Discord community and start learning!

Ozone Rig Library

Spend More Time Making Art and Less Time Fighting Technology

Extensive Rig Library
Extensive Rig Library

Ozone rigs are designed to provide the highest possible quality that your artist can use without having to build them from scratch.

Active Library
Active Library

We continue to create new rigs and provide them to our customers.

Ozone Characters Are Fast. Everywhere.

Ozone deformers run in real-time, allowing animators to focus on creating art. No more dealing with slow rigs.

From Layout to Render - 1 Asset

Layout artists get to use the same asset as animators do. Because Ozone is so fast layout artists and animaters use the same asset. Ozone allows artists to work faster and deliver on average 20 - 30% more work per week.

Scales with More Assets

Ozone enables real-time work with multiple characters, leading to more contextual animation and quicker shot finalization in Maya, Unreal, and anywhere you have Ozone.

“We never had a shot that took longer than 90 seconds to load during our production.”

Emmanuel Laurent - Head of Production, RFX

Animate with Limitless Exaggeration

Ozone rigs allow animators to push their character performances further with less rigging support.

Less Fragile

Ozone rigs are built on a robust deformer foundation that is not dependent on blend shapes, resulting in far greater ranges.

More Control

Ozone rigs give animators finer control over shapes and silhouettes than the traditional rigging approach.

Painless Animation
Review In-Engine

No more Alembics or FBX. With Ozones clip and actor system animators can see their animation faster and even make in-context changes that were not possible before.

Courtesy of ReelFX & Netflix

Ozone Clips Means No Alembics
  • Create and save reusable clips in the Maya clip library.
  • Connect a clip from one animation and reuse it for other actors in the same scene or in new scenes for both Maya & Unreal.
  • Replace clips via command line & script editor leveraging our API.

No Retaining Required

Animators can continue to use their existing setups, interfaces and puppet systems with Ozone.

Ozone Provides Meaningful Production Savings

Animation Savings†

$0.02/sec, each shot import/export once per week, for 104 person-weeks

Working Hours Saved††

Animator + Layout time over 104 weeks

Storage Saved‡

One clip export per scene, once per week=350GB down from 3500GB

42% Savings for Hybrid Asset Creation†††

Reusing the same assets and exporting to both Film/TV & games

Read Case Study

Higher Quality Final Frames with Less Effort than Ever Before

Ozone is the only solution to offer feature film quality, fully GPU accelerated, multi-level, subdivision surfaces at runtime! Our clip format provides in-context editing allowing you to make changes live.

Wireframe Render

Ozone Clip Format for Unprecedented Efficiency

Our new clip format (.o3c) provides powerful wins for traditional and non-traditional linear pipelines. By leveraging our clip format you gain efficiencies which make importing and export speeds are incredibly fast.

Ozone vs. Alembic Clip Comparison*

Up to
90% smaller clip size

when compared to traditional alembics.

Our next generation clip format allows animation teams to import and export data at 2x speed of traditional pipelines.

Up to
70% faster export

when compared to traditional alembics.

Because our clips are smaller productions save a significant amount of time on the trip out of Maya.

Up to
90% faster import

time when importing into Unreal Engine.

Our clips are smaller which means you save time importing into DCCs like Unreal Engine.

No Compromises Required

FBX workflow is fast and efficient. Flexibility is limited. Alembic high quality final results, inflexible, cumbersome and slow. Ozone clips are fast efficient and provide uncompromised quality.

Live Edits Up
To Final Render

Animate in Engine

Ozone deformation can be driven by any standard animation control like: Control Rig, Metahuman Faceboard, etc.

Live Animation Layers In Engine

Our rigs remain live. Since we use standard channels in engine all the current capabilities are available to you.

Courtesy of ReelFX & Netflix

Integrate at Your Own Pace

Ozone gives you the ability to adapt to the changing industry at your own pace allowing animators to work where they’re comfortable.

Seamless Integration

Integrate into your pipeline. Ozone plays nicely with FBX, Alembic and other existing character assets.

Take Input From Anywhere

Mocap, Blueprints, Direct Manipulation, Control Rigs, Ozone can take input from anywhere.

Plays Nice with Others

Continue to use all your favorite production tools with Ozone system to bring your characters to life.

System & Software Requirements

Ozone is a plugin that runs in Maya and Unreal Engine depending on the use case needed. Currently we support a wide variety of DCC versions for Maya & Unreal Engine with a wider range of support coming later this year.

In order to use Ozone you must have either Unreal Engine or Maya installed.

Digital Content Creator (DCC) Supported Versions Coming Soon
Unreal Engine UE 5.0.3, UE 5.1.1, 5.2.1, 5.3.2 UE 5.4
Maya Maya 2023* Maya 2024
MODO (Authoring Custom Rigs) Modo 15.2 N/A
Operating Systems Windows 10, Windows 11 Mac Os, Linux

* It is strongly encouraged that Maya patch versions be installed and kept up-to-date.

Experience Ozone powered characters in your pipeline.

Ozone is currently in early access phase with limited availability. We are only accepting partners who apply and are capable of fitting Ozone into their unique pipelines.

Apply for Early Access

Production Benefits to Ozone

Read our case studies to learn more
Smaller Rig File Size

Rigs created with Ozone are smaller on disk than traditional rigs.

90% Reduction in UE Import Time

Our clips are smaller saving time on import into DCCs like Unreal Engine.

90% Smaller Clip Files Size vs. Alembics

Clip format contains only the animation data, resulting export and import times.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • Can I use Ozone characters with Motion Capture?

    Yes, the Ozone deformer can be driven driven by any existing animation puppet or motion capture source with the proper connections.
  • What is an Ozone Clip?

    An Ozone Clip is a portable, light weight animation storage for Ozone characters. This lets you export or update animation in Unreal for your Ozone characters quickly and get a 1 to 1 identical results from Maya, without Alembic cache bloat and overhead.
  • Can I turn my existing skinned mesh into an Ozone Sub-D mesh?

    Not currently, but if your production needs this ability please schedule a meeting with us and find out how we can help you.
  • Can I animate with Control Rig in Unreal with an Ozone character?

    Yes, it is possible to hook up the Control Rig as a driving input into the Ozone deformer node.
  • How much does it cost?

    Please contact us for pricing information.
  • Do I have to use Modo to use Ozone?

    No, you can use Maya to rig your own models with our .o3r Ozone rig components including fitting them to your mesh and editing the weighting. Modo currently required for this version in order to change or edit a Master Rig Component for bespoke characters.
  • Do you have an Ozone reader for Animators or Rendering clients to open and se the file?

    You will need have enough Ozone licenses for your production, there isn't separate pricing for Ozone features.
  • What is the Master Rig Library?

    The Master Rig Library contains over 300 building blocks and finished assembled rig systems built and design to create beautiful deformations with less effort when applied to your character.
  • Do you provide training on using Ozone to rig a character?

    Yes we provide training resources and a Discord support community to make sure you benefit from the Ozone way of rigging.
  • Can you stop paying for Ozone and still use the rigs?

    You will need to have an active license in order to use the Ozone technology.

Support and Learning

Reach out via our support request form or join our active online Discord community to gain access to free training and learning.


† Assumes each shot in the film was exported and imported 1x per week, over the course of production (104 weeks), multiplied by the average animator hourly rate.
†† Estimated time saved for file export/import, o3b vs Alembic format, assuming each shot was exported/imported 1x per week, over the course of production. (104 weeks)
‡ Assumes average Alembic export size of 180MB, each shot versioned 1x per week, over the course of production. (104 weeks)
††† Assumes that the same budget for rigging and topology is applied to both the game and film asset. Savings are based on 7 distinct characters.
* Results have been taken across several different assets giving us an averaged result that we’re sharing. Every production and asset is different and there is no guarantee that your time savings will match exactly what is show on this page.