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System Requirements

Software Requirements #

  • Must have Windows 10/11
  • Must have Maya 2023 Installed (See Ozone For Maya)
  • Must have Unreal 5.3 Installed (See Ozone For Unreal)
  • Must have DirectX Runtime

Recommended Hardware #

  • Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD, 2.5 GHz or faster
  • RAM: 32GB or more
  • GPU: NVIDIA GeForce 960 GTX or Higher with latest NVIDIA binary drivers
  • Or AMD High end AMD Card: AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX
  • Video RAM: 16GB or more


Ozone for Maya #

Supported Versions: Maya 2023.3

The Ozone for Maya plugin requires an active and valid license for Maya® 2023.
Support for Maya® 2024 & Maya® 2025 is being developed.

Software #

Minimum Software Requirements
Operating SystemMicrosoft® Windows® 11, 10
Web BrowserOzone for Maya requires access to online systems. The latest version of the following web browsers is necessary for access to online license keys and supplemental content:
Apple Safari
Google® Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla® Firefox®

Hardware #

Minimum Hardware Requirements
CPU64-bit Intel® or AMD® multi-core processor with SSE4.2 instruction set
GPUAutodesk Maya list of supported GPUs
RAM8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)
Disk Space8 GB of free disk space for install
Pointing DeviceThree-button mouse

Ozone for Unreal #

Supported Versions: Unreal Engine 5.3

The Ozone for Unreal plugin requires an active and valid license of Unreal Engine 5.3.
Support for Unreal 5.4+ is actively being developed.

Software #

Minimum Software Requirements
Operating SystemMicrosoft® Windows® 11, 10
Web BrowserOzone for Unreal requires access to online systems. The latest version of the following web browsers is necessary for access to online license keys and supplemental content:
Apple Safari
Google® Chrome
Microsoft Edge
Mozilla® Firefox®

Hardware #

Ozone for Unreal requires that your system follow the recommended specifications for Unreal Engine. Minimum hardware specs can be found below for convenience.

Minimum Hardware Requirements
CPUQuad-core Intel or AMD, 2.5 GHz or faster
GPUUnreal Engine list of supported GPUs
RAM8 GB of RAM (16 GB or more recommended)
Disk Space115 GB of free disk space for installing Unreal Engine
Ozone for Unreal is run at the per-project level and contributes approx. 360 MB to any project leveraging the plugin.

Ozone Story Tech bears no responsibility for any errors or malfunctions in their software that may result from the installation of updates, extensions, or new releases provided by third-party hardware or software vendors, or for the certified software or hardware specified in this document. This applies to any third-party software or hardware that you may utilize in conjunction with Ozone Story Tech products as well.

Looking for licensing help? Visit our licensing documentation for help and support.